Friday 9 March 2012


This GIF is showing Sophey taking Katie away from her friends. It doesnt show this clearly so that is an issue that needs to be sorted out!

Thursday 1 March 2012


This GIF is showing Holly stealing from her mothers bag, so that she can buy new expensive clothes!


This GIF is of Luke getting bullied because of who he is.

Other art form.

My other art form is visual arts and for this I am making a powerpoint full of things called ''GIFS''. GIFS are a range of pictures put together to make a moving image. These are going to show the forms of betrayal that the characters go through in their everyday lives. These will be shown as a powerpoint behind the acting going on. We are not sure when they're going to be played yet but hopefully we will figure that out soon.

My Characters Role on my wall!

Character research!

Regina George; Mean girls.

I've took some inspiration of Regina George the mean girl on mean girls. I've been researching this character and watching some of the scenes she is in so I can take some things on board and use them in my performance. Regina George is the girl everyone is intimidated by. Everyone wants to be her, she always has the best clothes and always has to looks her best no matter what she is wearing. She is a extremely mean and cruel character, I don't think I will be as mean and bitchy as she is but I will be taking some inspiration off her character.

Lucy Beale; Eastenders.
Lucy Beale from Eastenders is not exactly a mean character, well she is in her own way. But, she always has to have her own way and she doesn't give up in till she finds out what is going on. She is also quite snappy and secretive. I think she is a good character to take influence off because this is how I want my character to be. I watch Eastenders all the time so I have seen a lot of the work Lucy has done.

Our new idea! :D

Our new idea and the idea we are now sticking with is to do an inbetweeners alike sketch about 6 friends going camping up the mountain. 

Emily is playing a girl who is extremely clumsy, so she is always falling about places, forgetting things and loosing things.

Luke is playing a nerdy type character who is not friends with us but the lads thought it would be funny to bring him along so they can make his night hell. 

Holly is playing a dumb girl who complains every second of the day and never puts the mirror down. She is so self obsessed and she is not the brightest spark. She also always over dresses to go places.

Katie is playing a camp/gay character who hangs round with the populars.

Sophey is your popular high school boy who gets all the girls and bullies the people who he does not associate the same as him. For example she bullies the nerd.

I am playing your typical ''bitch'' who you get in nearly every performance. I am always snappy, boss people around and rise my voice a lot if something is not going my way.

Basicly our idea is that a group of pupils from a high school go camping up the mountains one night for a laugh. They bring a long a ''geek'', as you would say, because they want to terrorise him. They gained his trust to come with them but all they do is make his life a living nightmare. Whilst they are up in the mountains nothing goes right for them as a lot of things keep going down hill for example; the bags go missing and the tent sets on fire, along with many more catastrophes. It turns out to be an awful night but defiantly one to remember!

How we explore betrayal.
Our form of betrayal is literally gaining some ones trust but making their life a living nightmare. Which also is bullying which is a form of betrayal also.

Similarities and differences.
I think they are both very different and they are two completely different forms of betrayal, they are not much alike. Ghost is a musical and Eastenders is a soap, so that makes them completely different in many ways but they do have the odd similarity like they both explore some sort of betrayal. They both are related to some sort of relationships from family relationships to love relationships.

My personal opinion is that Eastenders explores betrayal best because it is more realistic and you get to know the characters more, which makes you get into the storyline. It gets you more curious on what is going to happen and you understand what is going on.  But Ghost explores betrayal in a more exciting and interesting way because it is a musical so it is livelier, colourful and eye catching, which I suppose is more exciting for the viewers to watch. But they are both winners in my eyes in different ways, but I’d have to say Eastenders explores betrayal in a more detailed and realistic way.